Thursday, December 02, 2010

2 December--Transitioning to Night Shift

I have the day off today and then for the next 2 days I'm in transition status.  The purpose is to get my body somewhat used to working nights.  That will most likely means working from 1800 until 0600, that is 12-hour "days," 5 days a week.  This will go for the next 6 weeks or so and then I'll come back to days.  It's something utterly foreign to me.  Me who has a hard time being up past 2100 and whose internal alarm clock is seemingly hard wired for 0500.

How to do it?  Push myself to stay up later and later.  Two Benadryl last night when I couldn't last a minute longer.  The idea was to delay the internal wake-up call. Ate a bunch of very dark chocolate this afternoon to prevent any possibility of sleep until way late tonight,  Rearrange visits to the gym to the wee hours.

I tell myself that this shouldn't be so hard.  After all, it's light 24 hours a day outside and that won't change.  And inside the dorm room, it's dark and cave-like for another 24 hours and that won't change either.  It's just getting used to something a bit different I tell myself.  OK, drastically different.

Other changes?  Finding out when the laundry is pretty free and open.  This afternoon it seemed to be the same as 0500.  Meals?  What to eat when I come off at 0600 or 0700.  Breakfast?  Or just a snack before sleeping?  There is Mid-Rats at midnight.  The term comes from when the navy ran everything here and I guess they may have that on a ship.  It's supposed to be pretty good because they're only cooking for a few hundred or so.

"Life is a puzzlement" said Yul Bryner in the "King and I."  I guess I'll figure this out, too.

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